Kostja is looking for a girlfriend.
Bella lives a happy life with her husband since seven years.
Daniel is fooling around. With men, with women.
Andreas did not have a story with a man since years.
Fritz has several daughters with several women. Lastly just his horse Bubi remains.
The old Doc is an eternal recluse.
Countess Charlotte is living at her uncles place in the countryside and invites for dinner.
Wild boar will be served.



All the films we have chosen to recognize display an ununsual level of bravery.
But filmmaking bravery can take a lot of different forms.
Possibly none of these films in this section risks as much as this one.
There is a reckless intimacy to the story of a couple, played be the directors themselves,
exploring and exploding the bounderies of their relationship, sometimes witty,
often messy, but in always frank and honest ways.
The International Jury gives an honorable mention for creative fearlessness
to “Come Closer” directed by Saskia and Ralf Walker.
Mathilde Henrot / International Jury / 69. International Filmfestival Mannheim Heidelberg


The images seem frank and unpolished. As well as the dialogues, that sound natural, even improvised.
This might seem strange, but these are courageous and refreshing scenes.
Susanne Schütz / Rheinpfalz


A free and radical movie. Intimate and authentic.
Daniel Schottmüller / Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung


Director: Saskia Walker / Ralf Walker
Co-Director: Sebastian Fremder
Screenplay: Ralf Walker
Production: Saskia Walker
Director of Photography: Sebastian Fremder
Editor: Laia Prat
Music: Daniel Herskedal
Sound: Julia Tielke
Sounddesign: Niklas Kammertöns
Colordesign: Andreas Schellenberg
Typography: Uli Hanisch
Soundassistents: Christoph Werk, Leonardo Poeschel, Anatol Weber, Serdar Sezenoglu
Consulting Editor: Angela Christlieb
Transcription: Marie Kraushaar
Cast: Saskia Walker, Devid Striesow, Ralf Walker, Lars Rudolph, Franziska Petri, Jörg Janzer, Arsenij Walker, Pauline Schumacher

Daniel Herskedal, Dragon’s Eye / Album Neck of the woods
Thiaz Itch, Crountry Frechtre / Album Binjoum
The Raspberry Heaven, Remains / Album Nascent Meadows
Aaron Astner, I never wanted to write a fuckin lovesong
Mutts, Prizefighter / Album Object Permanence
Morris and the East Coast, Victory Song / Album Boughs of Pine
Aaron Astner, Ich bin so schüchtern
Daniel Herskedal, Lutra Lutra / Album Neck of the Woods

Production Company: Sprechfilm
Distribution: déjà vu film

Kindly supported by:


World premier: 69. Internationales Filmfestival Mannheim-Heidelberg from 12. – 22. November 2020

Saskia Walker


Ralf Walker